The Fourth Tomoh Masaki Award (2017)

David J. Webb, MD, FRCP, FRSE, FMedSci

David J. Webb, received The Fourth Tomoh Masaki Award at the Fifteenth International Conference on Endothelin held in Prague in 2017. The presentation of the award to Dr. Webb and the work that led to it have been summarized in an article in the Endothelin XV Proceedings.

Presentation of The Fourth Tomoh Masaki Award (2017) to Dr. Webb by Dr. Yanagisawa at the ET-15 gala dinner.

Dr. Webb, recipient of The Fourth Tomoh Masaki Award (2017), with the ET-15 Conference
Chairs Dr. Ivana Vaneckova, Prague, and Dr. John Pernow, Stockholm.

Dr. Webb at the ET-15 gala dinner with The Fourth Tomoh Masaki Award (2017).